Sunday, September 19, 2010


Have you ever been in a situation where you hope you aint that clever?
Or have u ever wanted to CTRL + Z ?Trying to undo what u did ,to forget what u see, to remember ntg from what u discovered?

Sometimes life turns out to be better when you know nothing at all.
Most of the time when people finds out,nothing good comes from it.
But when people has no idea what it is all about,what is there to have negative emotions for?
Isn;t it better for us to live in an unknowingly situation?- -"
Well,it does apply to several conditions.
I can't say everything brings bad emotions when you are told smtg u dunno about.
But from what I see,the percentage of negative emotions reigns over the positive ones...

I saw it from a video not long ago...White lie = lie,no matter what goodness it brings,its still a lie...well its very true,as it isnt the truth.
Life is just full of question marks,waiting to be answered,to be replied.
But,most people tend to add more question marks rather than solving them.

Is this too deep?Or is it right?I have no idea.As I believe everyone has their own individual point of views and so,if u agree with me so be it,if u dont,still same,so be it.

Well enough crapping as an update of my blog..thats all ^^~
